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Jason Deamer first established this site some years ago, but moved onto other things. Last heard from (July 2007) he was in Salt Lake City, Utah with his family before returning to Rome, Italy. I have kept it alive and active for the use of Deamers everywhere. It is not meant to be just about the one family, but time and application migration problems have made it difficult to get it to where we had always wanted it to be. .
When I took it over and started hosting it in 2002, I was using Go-live which was a wonderful simple editor - however in ~2010 it was sold to Adobe, which killed it in favor of Dreamweaver. However the files were not compatible, so after some years of trying to update it with Dreamweaver, I started using Kompozer but it was difficult to use and so looked pretty ugly.
Then in ~Dec 2019, I had to upgrade my Mac to OS 10.15.6 Catalina to be able to connect to my work account at the hospital where I work. But Kompozer is not compatible with Catalina!
So now I am trying Godaddy's website builder, but it has no way of importing the old site into the new builder, They don't understand the concept of an "archive" everything has be deleted and made new all the time, thus contributing to the continuance of the Digital Dark Ages.
[end of rant :)]
No Change as of October 2022. Still haven't learnt how to make it do what I want.
Why has the evaporated?
Answer: GoDaddy quadrupaled the price for keeping the web site around. It was going to cost US$839. to renew it for 5 years instead of the ~$200 it cost last time.
it was supposed to be an online Archive of the Deamer family wherever they are, maintained voluntarily by Bryn Deamer. However, constant changes in the editing software with no backwards compatibility has made it a mish-mash of stuff and styles. This one being a Go-Daddy website builder default template
Why are there so many dead links?
Answer: I can no longer edit the existing pages so links are degrading. My hope had been to slowly cut and paste the olde pages into thies website, and presumably but this one is completely template driven and cannot handle the style used in the old archive.
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